A Taste For The Finer Things🤣

Today on our adventure, it was all about tasty and smell. both Lucy and Oliver were so keen on the plethora of smells along our route. But then it switch from smells to taste. Oliver had a much finer taste

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Lucy Was Oliver Packer And Max 😆

Ollie was thrilled to see buddy Packer again, but when he saw the Max was there he was a little disappointed. They both tend to compete for Packer’s attention and today Packer was sharing a line with Max. But Ollie

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Lucy’s first snow day!❄️🐾

Lulu was not quite sure about the snow at first according to her Mom. It took her some time to even want to step in the white stuff. But Oliver reassured her it was safe and really really fun! So

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Social Club: Oliver

As Oliver has grown he’s gotten a lot closer in size to Koda but she is still a giant. He was cautious but not scared, and they had a great time flirting from a distance or playing follow the leader.

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Sibling Rivalry

Ollie is so protective of his little sister, but he also doesn’t let her get away with things. He likes her idea of chewing branches off trees but only the ones he like. She can’t have the other ones 😆

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I Got You Sis!❤️🐾

When I arrived I saw that Lucy was not harnessed. I know Mom always has them harness and ready for our walkies, so I was a bit confused until I say the harness was on the floor and a chewed

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Fun & Games!

Today we had so much fun in the sun! We rolled around a lot and found the bestest sticks to fight over, play a game of keep away and of course, to chomp on! When we got back to the

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Critters In The Grass!

On today’s adventure with Oliver & Lucy, we discovered critters in the grass! Lucy was first to hear or see or maybe smell the little critters in the grass and rocks! When Oliver saw her pouncing he quickly joined the

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Lucy Joins The Club! 🐾

Now that Lucy is a big girl she got to join her big brother on Friday’s Social Club. She got to meet Packer and tried to keep up with the boys as best as she could! 🥰 She loved walking

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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