EVENT: Off-leash Social at Hop Hollow

Bagel was a little shy at the event. She liked the girls but when the boys showed up she was a little taken aback. One was OK, even though he was very forward and it made her uncomfortable. But with

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EVENT: Off-leash Social at Hop Hollow

Millie was an absolute angel, the life of the party, and of course very well behaved. It was adorable to see her find her voice and bark at the other dogs. She called for them to play, to go faster,

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EVENT: Off-leash Social at Hop Hollow

Ollie didn’t want to get in the car, but once in he was quite content. He got very curious when Packer got into the car but settled down right away when his new friend did. By the time he entered

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EVENT: Off-leash Social at Hop Hollow

It was wonderful to see Pickles again, and we picked up right where we left off! 🥰 She thought she was just seeing us, but when she saw Millie, Bagel, and the rest arrive one by one she was overjoyed!!

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EVENT: Off-leash Social at Hop Hollow

Packer knew something was up when there was a new friend in the back, and he was smart enough to figure out where we were going before we even got there. He sprung into action as soon as I took

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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