Running Down A Dream

There was so much joy in the girl today she could NOT keep it in low gear. She had to stretch her legs and get her sprint on. Kindly she kept just inside the leash limit (and speed limit!😂) and

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Made Of Sugar

Koda is so sweet sometimes I joke that she’s made of sugar. But she didn’t melt in the rain as we walked around today, which is great! 😂 Instead she burned up her pent up energy by running, darting from

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Walk Of Life

A gorgeous cool walk along the water today. I always get a little weary under trees when it’s windy and with Koda around I get even more protective. But koda didn’t care, She was digging up early signs that the

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Ice Breaker Koda

Koda on the trails is always like a kid in a candy store – overwhelmed and overexcited. 😊 Today there was mud and slippery ice. Koda knows she’s supposed to stay away from those, so today when I showed her

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Dancing Queen

While all dogs like to dance, none of my friends have the range Koda has. There’s the “we just passed a dog and I didn’t get to say hi” dance where she races the full length of the leash to

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Shaving The Ice

Koda was thrilled to go to the trail today. The snow was just right to scoop in her mouth and chew as we walked. 😊 She met a couple dogs, and a few couples. She barely needed to be held

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Searching for snow

Koda was very worried that the snow was almost gone. 😆 She moved from one side of the trail to the other digging at what remained and trying to grab a mouthful. I promised her that by tomorrow she would

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Growing up fast 🥰

As kota and I scrolled along the trail at Westville, I remembered how different she was just a year ago. I could barely keep my footing as she dragged me behind her. She engaged with every dog and person whether

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A day full of Zoom meetings

Don’t think it’s all fun and games. We have our own versions of Zoom meetings and Slack channels. And just like you we have to deal with the various personalities of different departments. Here’s a look at just some of

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Great Friends!

It was a beautiful day to go for a walk and meet a new friend. Holly, a Great Pyrenees mix and our house guest for the next few weeks, joined us today on our walk with Koda, the Great Dane.

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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