Syd+Wyn’s Family Field Trip 🥰

Getting to spend a long weekend with these guys is always such a treat. What once seemed like a complicated feeding routine is now a breeze. I’m well prepared for their heist antics because they never stop trying (or upping

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Saturday Snow Fun

An unexpected dusting of snow greeted us on this bright Saturday morning, and it just set the tone that it was going to be nothing but fun today. Syd and Wyn had lots of fun chasing and ‘rasslin’ and like

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Sibling Rivalry

Even though I’ve known Syd and Jazz and Rock longer, it’s Wynnie that takes up most of my time. She fights for the attention and the others are happy to have her bothering someone else. 😅 She played with Syd

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Couch Cuddles

Yesterday was pretty mellow but fun. In the afternoon I took the pups for a walk along the road and we went down E Charlton a ways. The do pull, but they’re also pretty adorable, and they were excited to

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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