Soggy And Muddy Wednesday

Bandit must getting used to me… It only took 11 little treats to get him to approach me and let me harness him. Bentley is more reasonable and pliant, or maybe he’s just smart enough to know that they don’t

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Wet ‘n’ Wild Child!

Oliver is no fan of a soggy doggy day and if he had it his way we would be snuggling on the couch watching is Doggy shows.🤣 Lucy on the the other hand is living all things new being a

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“Millie” Vanilli 🎵😂🎵

Miss “Millie” Vanilli says “Jami, what on Earth do you have me wearing today?! Is this a raincoat?!” ….and I said, “It sure is…and you can 🎶 BLAME IT ON THE RAIN! 🌧 🎶 🤣 🎶 Come on and blame

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Bagel the “Rain”deer! 🌧 🦌

Bagel was fond of the soggy and foggy weather today 😀 She even sat down right in front of a christmas display of reindeer and decided to be a “reindeer herself 😂 Although instead of a red nose, she said

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A Taste For The Finer Things🤣

Today on our adventure, it was all about tasty and smell. both Lucy and Oliver were so keen on the plethora of smells along our route. But then it switch from smells to taste. Oliver had a much finer taste

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Tuesday’s Walk

The girls were ready to stretch their legs by the time I showed up. Tonks got dressed quickly, but Willow was still sleepy and took a minute to get going. 😴 They loved the piece, quiet, and solitude of the

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The Perfect Bagel

Bagel was so excited to meet Charlie today! 😊 He is big and strong and Bagel just swooned seeing him. They played very nicely together as they explored the neighborhood and the boat launch. Explored so much that I found

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Charming Charlie

Now that getting into the car is a breeze, Charlie is enjoying a rich social life. Today he met a young lady named Bagel who took to him right away. 🥰 They explored The sights and smells of her neighborhood

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Oh That Smile!🥰

Jameson was adorable cute self today! He made sure to roll in all the leaf piles wether they were stinky or not. 🤦🤣 We watched a few squirrels and birds forage for food and chase each other up the trees.

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