Social Club: Husky Special pt2

I took Packer and Max over to play with my friends Westley, Buttercup, and Waif. I have been dying to get all my husky friends together, and it finally happened!! They were very excited, and very comfortable around each other.

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Max And Lucy and Packer and Oliver

It was such a fun social club today with 2 sets of siblings! Little puppy Lucy couldn’t get enough of Max and he was quite flattered by the attention. He and Packer stuck close together and managed beautifully. 🥰 Guess

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Frolick! 😅

Sometimes what we do is faster than a walk and easier than a hike. For once it was just the 2 of us on a beautiful sunny day without a care in the world. So of course Packer did what

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Packer The Butterfly 🦋

Packer is definitely king of Social Club. Everybody loves him, and new addition Lucy (best pal, Oliver’s, sister) was no exception. She did all she could to get Packer’s attention, and he gave her some, but he had to make

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Happy Campers

Having Millie join Packer today was a real treat! We took the campground loop around Wells so they could smell all the charcoal grills and check out all the kids! They were everyone’s favorites! Having a pal join you for

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Exhausted! 😴💤

Packer has been very mellow at home, what with his busy schedule. Between protecting the house from rabbits, birds and squirrels, and his busy social calendar, the poor boy is POOPED! Somehow he did manage to work up the strength

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Chips And Dip For Breakfast

There were no rabbits around this morning but Packer had his eye on a different kind of breakfast. The chips in this case were chipmunks, and the dip was the way he would ounce in the air and then dip

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We love everything about having Packer here. He’s very sweet and snuggly, and he’s very low maintenance. He’s very friendly so we can bring him on playdates with our other friends, like Beau. And we just love how excited he

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Wabbit Season

Packer was thrilled to come over, even though he wasn’t clear on why we brought all his stuff. He settled right in, playing with toys and watching the people walking around outside. But by far, his favorite part is all

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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