Trip to the vet ☹️

It’s not always fun and play. Sometimes a pup needs a ride to the doctor. Tootsie was lethargic and having trouble standing so after 48 hours her great Dad too her right to the vet. The has Lyme disease and

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Star of the day !

Maxwell continued to shine on the way to the vet! He was so excited to have me and his mom in the car. He did great not licking any faces or ears from back seat 🥳 I was pleasantly surprised

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Maxwell went to the vet to check out his eye

After daycare yesterday Maxwell came home with a red eye. Rachel even noticed him squinting in a picture she took driving him home. I checked with Jake 2ho said they don’t use any perfumes or scents in the house at

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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