The Purr-fect Sunday!

What a way to enjoy a Sunday than with with Elsie, Joey and Shaggy! Now that it has been a few days with my around, Elsie and Shaggy have warmed up. I get cute meows and leg weaving by both

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Caturday night with Furiends.😻

I absolutely loving when I get to care for Elsie, Joey & Shaggy! Joey is the social one and has always been around for Love and play time but the other two take a little bit to warm up. Well

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The Purrfect start to a Monday!❤️🐾😻

Good Morning! Another great start to the day with these cuties! Joey all cute and floppy purring away in his bed wanting some love. He then supervised me preparing breakfast. Shaggy made sure to get some one on one with

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Elsie the Invisible no more!

When visiting my friends Joey, Elsie and Shaggy, it is most often I only see Joey who is a social kitty who loves to watched the birds out the window. I usually see Shaggy at the top of the stairs

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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