Lindsay Loves Pet Photography

Pet photography used to be about hanging a portrait of the family pet on the living room wall. One. There. Done. Now everyone has a camera and a gazillion pics of their pet on their a social media profile. Do

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In memoriam: Lucy

We always talk about how much we love our clients , but seldom about how painful that is when we lose one of them. Lucy was a beautiful 13-year-old white Westie who had lived with awesome parents and brother and

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A family to remember

May 27th evening – Captain’s log, supplemental. We checked in on the kids before heading out to dinner. The kitties were home and ready to come inside, not without complaints. Everybody ate and we took Lucy for a walk so

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A sad goodbye

Mid-day visit- the humidity came back today and I was surprised when I came for the afternoon visit that both cats came in to finish their breakfast ,play a little and then back outside they went. Lucy again wasn’t feeling

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Final morning

It was quiet when I got here this morning. Finally Delilah showed up loudly demanding breakfast. I guess she was hungry since she missed dinner last night. She dug into her food and then buddies. He was nowhere to be

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Operation Find Delilah

I came back at 10 pm and sure enough Ms. Fuzzy Pants was on the deck acting all cool like I shouldn’t have been worried. She went in and devoured her dinner, followed by some purrs, cuteness and catnip.

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Why why why Delilah?

Had a great visit with Lucy and Buddy but Delilah is MIA. Lucy was glad to see us and ready for dinner and a walk. She’s always in such a good mood. Buddy was sleeping soundly on the back porch,

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No parade today

so there was no parade today. Lucy and the kitties were quite content just chilling with me in the yard. Lucy sensed something in your stonewall in the garden and spent most of her time sniffing and trying to dig

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Remember sleeping in?

It was a quiet visit this morning, as Lucy was still fast asleep. Delilah was up though, demanding food loudly. I fed her and she dug right in. Buddy showed up still sleepy, but all he wanted was out. I

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Lucy et al’s Old Pupdates

May 25th Mid-day visit- I don’t know if Lucy Delilah and Buddy had fun but I sure did! We had a parade. Delilah and Buddy decided to join us on our walk. All your neighbors enjoying the sunshine got a

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