Like Brother Like Sister

Luna does t even know what Oliver is doing but she wants to be part of it. He puts his nose down to sniff and she takes that as invitation to climb his face. He stands to look around and

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Neighborhood Watch

Everything is better with a friend! 🥰 Whether it’s having them point out the best sniffin’ spots, or challenge you to walk farther, it makes any walk more fun. With Lindsay, Mylo, Ollie and me all together, we are the

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Big Brother Packer

Packer is always the bestest boy which is why he always gets the special treatment. Today he had a playdate with his good friend Oliver. Ollie looks up to Packer like a little brother. He follows him, imitates him, always

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Oliver The Brave

Ollie was overjoyed at seeing his pal Packer unexpectedly, especially since he didn’t even have to get in the car. 😆 They pranced and played as we headed down the street and I wondered how far Oliver would go down

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Oliver The Brave

Weimaraners are generally more known for their speed than their courage 😆 But today Oliver was ready to take on the world! First, we explored around the circle where there was tons of construction and big dozers. Oliver approached warily

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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