Tuesday’s Walk

The girls were ready to stretch their legs by the time I showed up. Tonks got dressed quickly, but Willow was still sleepy and took a minute to get going. 😴 They loved the piece, quiet, and solitude of the

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Willow & Tonks Meet A Canadian Goose 🪿

On our walk, we encountered a Canadian Goose 🪿 Tonks and Willow didn’t want to get close, but were fascinated. Willow even told me a funny joke 😃 Willow: What sound does a Canadian Goose make? Me: Honk honk? Willow:

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Wet Willow 🌧 & Terrific Tonks 🌂

Willow and Tonks were perfect angels! It was a bit cold for Willow so she hung close so I could keep her warm….but Tonks loved it! She was exploring all the smells and didn’t mind the cold one bit. They

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Half Day Hijinx 😊

The girls were eager to go out today as they both had important business to take care of! 😅 Since school was out, we headed across the street to take advantage of their fields and soft grass. Willow was adorable

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Huntin’ And Fishin’

Getting to pop in on an old friend and getting to meet her puppy sister was a major treat for me. Tonks was very happy to see me, but I had to get Willow out first. She was weary and

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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