A Zoomie filled Sunday Fun-day!😻😹

The kitties where much more comfortable with me today. I was greeted by Bolder first and then Rocket and of course Ziggy stolled in a few minutes later with his grand entrance of meows and smiles. They all were full

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Caturday with my new furiends!

On my first visit with any new furiend, I know that is going to take a little bit for them to warm up to me. And it was no different with Bolder, Ziggy & Rocket. Well not Ziggy, 😸 He

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The boys stop to smell the flowers on a spring Friday

Henry and Krypto thoroughly enjoyed their adventure today. They are always so busy, zipping from one post to another that it’s sometimes seems like they are hyper. Henry is always on a mission and pulling ahead, Krypto is trying to

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Packer and Millie sitting in a tree… 🥰

You can never be sure what’s going to happen when you introduce two dogs to one another, but we had a pretty good idea that Millie and Packer were going to get along great. 😍 We were not disappointed and

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There is nothing wrong with being a shy kid

We meet all sorts of pets on our adventures and it’s safe to say that every single one is an individual with their own big personality and quirks. Our new friend Winnie is like everyone else in that regard. She’s

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