Mylo makes the sun come out and play!




At A Glance:

Perfect Angel, Supermodel, Walked, Played, Peed

Mylo makes the sun come out and play!

On this cloudy and drizzly day, Mylo made sure to use his ultimate super power and part the clouds so we could walk in the sunshine. His sunny disposition, a truly magical trait, made not only me smile but the sun too! We took full advantage of the warm sun and sniffed all the blooming flowers, ran through some tall grass to feel the tiny rain drops that had collected from the rain on our nose and face, and just took in all the beauty of spring in April. He was all smiles! And wouldn’t you know it, when the walk was over and time to head back inside, So did the sun. He is one special pup! Mylo The Magnificent Super Dog!!! 🌞🌞🌞❤🐾

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