Topline: A++ 😲 At your leisure, read all about how proud you should be of Moose (and yourself!). Normally I don’t do a long update after a short walk, but Moose was exceptionally good. Extraordinary good. Like he matured overnight. So much so I figured I’d break it down for you.
1) From the time I walked in the door and announced myself to the time I got to his room, Moose had settled down on his own, which got him released immediately. This excited him immensely but rather than jump on me, her ran over and jumped up to where his leash is! 🥰
2) Since he was so good I thought rather than the prong collar I could try him in a harness. He sat and put it on without any complaint and was ready to go!
3) Since he managed the harness so beautifully and since I will need to transport him later, I thought I’d see how he is in the car. He got in without any issues, and exhibited perfect car manners as we drove the short way to downtown.
4) Since he managed the harness and car so well, I let him use the long retractable leash. This is reserved for dogs I trust because it lets them make bad decisions. While they’re always completely safe in my oversight, they do get the leeway to not follow, not do as invited, and then to change their minds and make a good decisions. Again, Moose got it instantly and showed perfect manners throughout. This turned our walk into a genuine “recess.” While Amber focuses on training and limits, I’m just Moose’s cool friend and he wants to do what I do, and wants to earn my respect by showing what he has learned. And what you and Amber have done with him is nothing short of WOW. Seriously.
5) And once Moose acquitted himself as a cool dude, we were left to explore the common, the church grounds, and watched the fair go up. Moose loved working as a model, earning his cookies by holding a pose, sitting, staying. I wasn’t training him. He is already trained. 🥰 And because of that I think you’ll see we had so much fun, really bonding.
6) Your kitty (I forgot his name) was there when we got back and was glad to learn I always carry kitty treats too! 😺
I know Moose and I got off to a rough start, but I just knew he and I were going to be the bestest of friends!!! ❤️