Moose 🫎 Catches 🐭 Mouse




At A Glance:

Structured, Leisurely, Walked, Played, Made friends, Let in/out, Peed, Pooped

Moose 🫎 Catches 🐭 Mouse

Moose was once again awesome today! No ride – I figured we’d walk to the common and keep it low key since it was humid. Well, Moose was having so much fun exploring that he stumbled into a chipmunk in the tall grass and almost caught it! He was nearly as surprised as the chipmunk! 😆 This had him excited all the way to the common (though he minded his manners beautifully). At the Common, again, he nosed down by the table and came up with a mouse in his mouth! 😯 But he dropped it, and took it in stride when I wouldn’t let him play with it further. He didn’t want to hurt it, just prove that he could catch it over and over! 🥰 He did snap mildly at the leash a couple times, an instinct he still has to work to control. On our way back he was proud as punch, so when we ran into a bunny, a squirrel, and a bird all within dashing distance, Moose just about jumped out of his skin! They were like Pokemon and he wanted to catch them all! 😂 But when he hit the end of his leash he didn’t fight it, and was happy enough to sit and watch from a distance rather than chase. Back home he settled in happy and tired. What a Mighty Moose! 🥰

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always post a love note after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share! 🥰


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