Packer likes it there, next to the Common with all the smells. πŸ‘ƒ




At A Glance:

Supermodel, Structured, Walked, Made friends, Peed, Pooped

Packer likes it there, next to the Common with all the smells. πŸ‘ƒ

2/16 We were going to go to Leadmine for a hike, but I wanted to stop by my place on the way to get more treats. Packer likes it there, next to the Common with all the smells. We checked the Common out for a minute and he found a head band on the ground, but decided to wear it instead of chew it. He heard the dog staying at my place saying hello and he met Roo the Corgi. He was too much energy for her, and she was too old for him, but they were both well mannered and polite. We walked around the Town Hall area, and he followed a smell across 3 crosswalks to a yard where he read the pee-mail avidly. He is a very smart dog, not getting distracted by trucks or strollers or bikes. OMG and the way he sits in a car with his paw on the armrest… He’s not just ready to be social with others, he’s ready to be the good example!

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