Even though I’ve known Syd and Jazz and Rock longer, it’s Wynnie that takes up most of my time. She fights for the attention and the others are happy to have her bothering someone else. 😅 She played with Syd all day, turning the yard and the living room into wrestling rings and race courses. Her big brother is so patient and loving, of course she loves to play. She and Rock have a playful relationship too. She likes to bug him a little, chase him a little, and he gets that the jump scares are all in good fun. Jazz is more stand-offish. And by that I mean he likes to stand by me in the office and dream of fish. 😋 He’s sweet but a schemer! Of all their interactions, my favorite though was when I dozed off on the couch and woke up to Rock curled up above my head, Wyn inside my knees, and Syd at my feet! Seems like there was enough of me to share that they didn’t have to compete! 🥰