Tucker practically sang in the rain




At A Glance:

Perfect Angel, Supermodel, Leisurely, Walked, Played, Petting, Peed, Pooped

Tucker practically sang in the rain

You would think walking in the rain isn’t fun, but Tucker and I agree it’s one of the best times to be out! As long as it’s not cold, it smells fresh and clean and you feel like the first one to touch everything. Today we explored some beautiful neighborhoods in charlton. I was checking out the house is but Tucker was mostly concerned with the state of their yards! He was pretty mellow and tired from his time at daycare, but was excited when we got back. What a fun day he’s having!

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always post a love note after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share! 🥰


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