Uncommonly Cool Moose




At A Glance:

Perfect Angel, Supermodel, Training, Walked, Played, Made friends, Let in/out, Peed

Uncommonly Cool Moose

I offered to walk Moose to the Common today, and he bristled at the idea. He’s no common dog! Instead he suggested we DRIVE to the Common in air conditioned comfort and spend our time exploring the big fair in town. I couldn’t argue with his logic, and it turned out he has a nose for bargains and memorabilia. From pillows to baseballs to… fans?? Of course he knew just what he was interested in! He needed to quickly check the back yard before he settled down, and he was very good about all his behaviors. An uncommonly good time!

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always post a love note after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share! 🥰


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