Welcome Meme and Milo! First visit is a cinch!




At A Glance:

Leisurely, Played, Settled in, Let in/out, Peed, Pooped

Welcome Meme and Milo! First visit is a cinch!

First visit with the girls went great! They were a little apprehensive when I got there, and kept some of that nervous energy throughout. Milo was happy to get out and chase a stick. Meme kept telling me I’m throwing the wrong stick, and not nearly far enough. I brought them in a little early since I wasn’t sure how cooperative they would be, but they followed my right in. They were rowdy about getting their collars and harnesses off, but they seem quite motivated by cookies, and I had plenty. I was so into the play I forgot to check their water. If there’s anything I missed or forgot – please let me know!

Chime In!