Whatchoo Tonkin’ Bout Willows?! 🤣




At A Glance:

Perfect Angel, Supermodel, Leisurely, Walked, Petting, Let in/out, Peed, Pooped

Whatchoo Tonkin’ Bout Willows?! 🤣

I am definitely saying that from now on instead of “Whatchoo talkin’ bout Willis!” Haha It is way cuter! These sweet sisters are always a treat to be around even when it is windy and freezing cold out! They are always up for an adventure, yet they love to stay close to me too ❤️ Can’t wait to explore more with them ✨️

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always post a love note after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share! 🥰


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