A Dog Of The World




At A Glance:

Perfect Angel, Supermodel, Leisurely, Walked, Played, Made friends, Petting, Let in/out, Fed, Watered, Peed, Pooped, Medicine

A Dog Of The World

Casey’s stay here has been a broad range of activities. We often start with quiet nature walks in the morning, then do a walk around one of the cemeteries around here. I usually let her pick whatever direction she wants and just follow her. As long as she’s not getting in trouble, she can do whatever she likes. So she wanted to go to the Publick House after dinner yesterday. Not the grounds, she very much wanted inside, into the restaurant, and the bakery, and the people. 😂 She checked every door, and was delighted to find they had outdoor seating for her. She had a hard time finding a waiter, so we continued along the grounds so she could stop and smell the flowers. It was a great adventure, like all the others we had! 🥰

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