3/7. Jameson got to hang out with Tucker today which meant an extra-long visit! I took him to meet Tucker at daycare, and then loaded both of them up in the car to head out. Jameson was over-excited, jumping on Tucker, humping, even trying to get in the back seat to show Tucker who’s boss. But he calmed down quickly so we could leave. I thought “hike,” but as often happens when 3 guys get together, we voted “brewery” instead. We ended up at Treehouse, which both boys were very excited about. Jameson must have been here before. We tried the trails – all snow and mud. While the boys were just fine with it, I was not. So we skirted the edges and found ourselves at the doors of the brewery. The boys bee-lined inside like they already knew their order. They were instantly the stars of the beer hall, people wanting to meet them, offering them beers, but Jameson started barking, and we left before we wore out our welcome. While Mr J tried to assert his dominance at the beginning, but the end of the walk he wasn’t even trying. No means no, even to dogs apparently! I expect he slept the rest of the day, exhausted. Please give him a hug for me before his surgery, and tell him I will see him next week!!