3/10. The trails were still muddy and gross, so we headed to the Common where we met up with my friend Sammy, a beagle/shepherd mix. Those 2 took to each other like old friends, tails awaggin’. Packer wanted to play so badly but Sammy’s 11 and that’s not his speed. So, off we went around the neighborhood, Hobbs Brook, old Cemetery. Packer was great waiting, looking both ways before crossing the street crosswalks 🚦 my heel on the crosswalk, when we checked out the Publick House. The pups were adorable – Packer would bound ahead to the full length of the leash while Sammy would linger and sniff around. Then Packer would stop and sniff while Sammy hurried to catch up and see what he found. By then I’d be caught up to, and again Packer would bound ahead. Rinse, repeat. I’m fantastic company on a walk, but apparently nothing like another dog. And because they were both so well behaved (and because of my Batman-like utility belt 😂🦇) I did manage to snap a picture or 10… 😁 even a video. I can’t wait until next time. Maybe we’ll go for a beer!