It was a fun play day, with me and the dogs playing a bit of 2-on-1. You’d think being brother and sister it would be them against me, but no, Meme is a teacher’s pet. 🤩 Any time Milo starts winning she jumps in against him! There were a couple of times when a sound – a dog barking, the mail truck – startled them and sent them dashing towards it. My heart always shrinks in my chest as my hand reaches for the clicker, but my voice is thunderous. NO. And they just… stop. Meme stood a safe distance away as the mail woman dropped off your mail. 📬She was curious, not threatening, and the driver eyed her very warily. I reminded Meme that the mail woman is a friend, and gave her a treat for her good behavior. They may be bruisers, but they’re very good dogs. 🥰