My favorites πŸ’•



7:21 pm


Rachel White



At A Glance:

Perfect Angel, Petting, Let in/out, Fed, Peed, Pooped, Medicine

My favorites πŸ’•

Sophie was super excited to greet me while Boo probably could have slept through πŸ˜‚ I had to gently wake him up to get him to go outside.
Though he was mobile he did walk into a couple things so out of precaution I did carry him down the stairs. He seemed to get around outside just fine but I stayed very close to him .
Sophie ate about half while Boo stared & sniffed at his food as I got Sophie’s med ready .
I was hoping she would eat more but since it seemed to be just enough I gave her the insulin and antibiotic
( wrapped in cheese ).
She sure seemed to love that piece of cheese !
We went back out & the queen laid in the yard keeping a good watch on the neighborhood while Boo sniffed.
Boo took a healthy πŸ’© while both peed. Nothing on pee pads .
I did need to pick water up prior to dinner since Sophie had some before & didn’t want her to over do it.

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