Happy Campers

Having Millie join Packer today was a real treat! We took the campground loop around Wells so they could smell all the charcoal grills and check out all the kids! They were everyone’s favorites! Having a pal join you for

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Love At First Bite

Millie and Packer know each other from the Off-leash Socials, so when they got to see each other for their regular walk they were thrilled. We all start with a bite of cookies to make sure we all play nice

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Deep Thoughts By Jameson

Jameson was thrilled to see Packer and play with him occasionally but he was distracted and lost in his own thoughts as we wandered around the Wells Park Campground. If a stick weren’t a stick, what wood it be? You

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Packer was in a very extra mood, full of energy and fire. With his friend Jameson by his side he was ready to run and play! Hey Jameson, he said, let’s pretend a madman attached a bomb to a dog

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Double Shot Friday: Jameson and Packer

When Jameson needs to stretch his legs he loves nothing more than a quiet game of chess. But when I’m tired of losing to him, his second favorite thing is a walk in the park with his pal, Packer. 😆

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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