Like night and day

Today the girls showed off their individuality. They were both great on the leash of course, which is why we can brave crossing the causeway. But on our favorite street tour, they have very different agendas. Olive has her favorite

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Critter patrol 🐹

There were so many little critters on our walk today! And the girls had amazing self-control. When a chipmunk was brazen enough to catch Olive’s attention she glared at him but did not budge. And even though Ivy spotted several

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Weekend Wra-pup

They never come quickly enough or last long enough, but weekends are unquestionably the best parts of the week. For most people it’s because they can put work behind them and spend time with their family. And while we work

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Lindsay Loves Pet Photography

Pet photography used to be about hanging a portrait of the family pet on the living room wall. One. There. Done. Now everyone has a camera and a gazillion pics of their pet on their a social media profile. Do

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Welcome Ivy+Olive

You would not believe it about these 2 adorable cuties, but one of them likes to misbehave sometimes and got them both kicked out of doggie daycare. That left their parents very suddenly up the creek without a doggie paddle.

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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