Penny has a field trip!

Penny has been out guest for a week and boy have we had so much fun! So many fun walks to explore, endless tug o war and fetch, to stick collecting to chomp in the yard. Yesterday Alex took her

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The Love Boat

It took approximately 14.6 seconds for us to fall in love with Penny on the first day, so yesterday morning Lindsay the cruise director was already planning Penny’s itinerary. First, breakfast in the lounge and a stroll to Hobbs Brook

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Lucky Penny!

We were so excited when Penny arrived for her staycation with us for a week! She made herself at home within minutes! She ran right to the toy basket and started playing with them. She likes the ones with the

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Jake, from Steakfarm

There’s something relatable about old dogs. Like humans, they’re no longer so concerned with the world of dogs, and spend a lot of time pondering important questions like, why do their hips hurt, or why they don’t make sticks like

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About Lindsay Loves Pets

We are professional petcare for picky pet parents, so we always leave a note for the parents after every visit. But the photos and stories that the pets tell are too good not to share with everyone! 🥰


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